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FAQ : Artist studios

How many artist studios are a part of the KULT XL Ateliers network?

The network of municipal artist studios KULT XL Ateliers counts, at this moment,  9 workshop spaces:

7 ateliers in the rue Wiertz 23
1 atelier in the rue de l’Automne 44
1 atelier in the rue du Trône 95


KULT XL Ateliers is a network in development: 7 ateliers in the rue Wiertz, 1 atelier in the rue de l’Automne and 1 atelier in the rue du Trône are made available rent-free to emerging visual artists for a period of 6 months up to 2 years. The network will expand in the future.

How can I be attributed the use of an atelier of the KULT XL Ateliers network?

The artist studios are attributed through an open call and on the basis of an application. Every year in Spring, an open call is launched to attribute one or more available workshop spaces.


The open call is published on the website and is shared through our newsletter and on our social media platforms. Please click here if you would like to receive the KULT XL newsletter.

For how long can I occupy an atelier?

KULT XL Ateliers offers two types of residencies:

Long-term studios (1 year, renewable maximum once): these studios are for visual artists living in the Brussels-Capital Region, regardless of their nationality.

Example: I am a Senegalese/Belgian/Lithuanian/American/etc. artist and I live in Brussels: I can apply for a long-term studio.


One short-term studio, also called “European studio” (6 months): this studio is reserved for visual artists who do not live in the Brussels-Capital Region or elsewhere in Belgium AND who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union (other than Belgium).

Example: I am a Finnish/Dutch/Irish/Swedish/etc. artist and I live in France, but I would like to discover the Brussels art scene: I can apply for a short-term studio.

When is the next open call?

The next open call will be held early 2023 and will concern the following 7 ateliers:

  • 6 long-term artist studios in the rue Wiertz 21a (starting 01/07/2023)
  • 1 short-term “European” artist studio in the rue Wiertz 21a (starting 01/07/2023)


The terms of the call will be published on this website and on our social networks.

I have been attributed a studio of the KULT XL Ateliers network in the past: can I apply again?

No. If you have already used a municipal artist studio, you cannot submit a new application for a workspace.

I am on the back-up list for a studio proposed in the previous call: can I apply for another one?

Yes, you can apply for another workspace than the one you are on the back-up list for. If you are assigned a workshop, your name will be removed from the back-up list.

We are an artists' collective. Can we submit an application?

Yes, on the condition that each member of the collective meets the accessibility conditions of the call. These conditions are stated in the selection regulations of the call, which you can consult here. In FrenchIn Dutch.

I am part of an artists' collective but I also have an individual practice. Can I submit an application in the name of my collective AND an application in my own name?

No. Members of a collective cannot submit an individual application if they are already submitting an application for the collective in the same call.

Can I submit my application in English?

No. You must complete the form in French or Dutch in order for your application to be valid.

Where can I consult the cultural policy plan "Co" 2020-2025 and the general policy note of the municipality of Ixelles?

You can consult them on this website:

To consult the cultural policy plan “Co” 2020-2025 : in Frenchin Dutch

To consult the general policy note of the municipality of Ixelles : in Frenchin Dutch 


If necessary, you can also ask to receive a copy by post by sending an e-mail to or by phone on 02 515 64 63

If I am selected to occupy a workshop, what support will I receive?

You can occupy the workshop you are selected for for a fixed amount of time (from 6 months to one year, renewable once).

You can also use the exhibition hall located in the rue Wiertz 23, 1050 Ixelles, to organise an exhibition and/or an event during the occupation of the workshop.

The municipality also offers a communication channel: presentation of the artists on the cultural website and the social media platforms of the cultural department, sharing of information about exhibitions and events of the artists in residence.

The cultural department also provides networking opportunities with local cultural partners.

If necessary, you can count on technical support to set up and dismantle an exhibition or event in the exhibition space. If applicable, the cultural department will organise a festive opening.

If I am selected to occupy a workshop, what are my obligations and which costs are to be borne by me?

If you are selected to occupy a workshop, you commit yourself to:

  • open your workshop to the public at least once a year, on a date to be determined in consultation with the culture department;
  • take out fire, water damage and third-party liability insurance for personal belongings, work equipment and artworks stored in your studio;
  • pay a deposit as described in the agreement for the use of the workspace;
  • pay the consumption costs (water, gas, electricity, heating), as described in the agreement for the use of the studio.

Can I live in my workshop ?

No. The workshops are only working spaces. It is forbidden to live in them or to take up residence there.

Are there other places in Ixelles and/or the Brussels-Capital Region that offer studios?

Yes, there are several cultural institutions and other artist studio networks that offer residencies, here are some suggestions:

Fondation CAB


Volta XL

GC Elzenhof

La Maison Commune

Fondation Carrefour des arts

Kunstenwerkplaats (Pianofabriek)


Fondation Thalie 


The Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles has also created a document listing numerous residencies for artists in Wallonia and Brussels.

I want to rent a workshop. Where can I find one?

There are several organisations that offer affordable workshops in the region, here are some of them:

Level Five



Fonds du logement

Ateliers Mommen


Several groups on social media also offer studios for rent in the region, for example:

How are my personal data managed?

Your data are collected to check the administrative admissibility of your application, as stated in the privacy policy of the open call. They also enable the grant to be awarded should you be selected. These data are exclusively for internal use by the administration and will not be communicated to the jury (except for the name of the candidate). Your data will be kept for one year after the selection of the laureates.

I cannot find an answer to my question: who may I contact?

You have not found the answer to your question? Then contact the Culture department by e-mail at or by telephone at 02 515 64 63


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