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Age of Panic

May 6, 2012. Cable news reporter Laetitia is covering the French presidential elections, while Vincent, her ex-husband, demands to see their two young daughters. It’s a manic Sunday in Paris: two agitated girls, a frazzled babysitter, a needy new boyfriend, a grumpy lawyer and France cut in half! Cineflagey by Cinematek ...

Flagey Academy

Enjoy an enchanting evening with the Flagey Academy youth choir at its end-of-year concert. Accompanied by a string quartet, the choir will perform vibrant pieces from Galuppi's Dixit Dominus and moving excerpts from Pergolesi's Stabat Mater and António Vivaldi's Gloria. This eclectic repertoire, supported by dazzling polyphonic harmony and a ...

Force of Nature

Three Gs and an E flat, rhythmically three short notes and a long one, then on the same rhythm, three Fs and a D. This is the motif of will, of tenacity; Beethoven explained his choice by saying: "Thus destiny knocks at the door". Have you ever experienced the joy ...

A Cuban Journey

Pianist Pierre Solot is rediscovering Ernesto Lecuona's hybrid music: a blend of romantic virtuosity, Cuban dances, passionate outpourings, evocations of travel and a few decadent relics of 19th-century Vienna. A virtuoso Cuban pianist and composer, Ernesto Lecuona was acclaimed by George Gershwin and Maurice Ravel when he toured Europe and ...

A Classic Essence

Baroque Orchestra and the indisputable Jos van Immerseel. Keyboardist, conductor, researcher, collector, teacher and founder of Anima Eterna, Jos van Immerseel is a key figure in music in Belgium and around the world, and one of the first pioneers in the practice of music on period instruments. Let's set off ...

Alma, my soul

Most of Alma Mahler's Lieder were written in her youth and are rarely performed, but each of them is a musical gem that forms an important part of the Romantic lyric repertoire. This album is the first recording to include all 17 of her Lieder. Like her personality, Alma's songs ...

Vent nouveau

Fabrizio Cassol, composer and saxophonist with the group AKA MOON, among others, needs no introduction. Fabrizio loves bringing cultures together and opening up multiple dialogues, with music and artists from the four corners of the world. Medinea was created at the Festival d'Art Lyrique d'Aix-en-Provence and since 2014 has brought together ...

Natural Rhythm

Born and bred in Korea, drummer Sun-Mi has made her mark on the Dutch jazz scene with a deep-rooted groove, a breath of fresh air combined with well-tempered explosions. The Sun-Mi Hong Quintet is a newcomer to the European improvised music and contemporary jazz scene. A discovery not to be ...

Master Touch

The Quebec-born pianist is one of the greatest musical personalities of his generation. He has a strong presence on the stages of the American continent, but is rarer in Belgium, although he performs regularly in Europe. His virtuosity and the intelligence of his musical approach are fascinating. The breadth of ...
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    Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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    Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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